Monday, November 15, 2010

Together again

Well, we made it! We are finally all moved in to our new apartment in Raleigh. Our weekend started early Friday morning by dropping off Liam and Ellie at our friends house, picking up the truck and then heading back to the house to start the packing process. Everything started out smooth, we packed up our house in about three hours then headed over to my in laws to pack some more stuff we had in storage there. Once that was finished, we waved goodbye to Louisville and headed to Lexington for the night. A bit of a side note here so the rest of the story makes sense: Liam had come down with a nasty stomach virus that was going around. He passed that on to his friend Olivia (sorry Ness :) but both of them had different symptoms...Liam had diarrhea and Olivia was throwing up. I didn't really think much of it since the most I ever get from Liam is a cold. HOWEVER...Thursday night my friend Amanda came over to help me finish packing and she did stellar! But at 5 am I got a text from her saying she had been up all night, sick to her stomach. Uh oh. Surely, I wasn't going to get it or I already would have....right? Hmmm. So Friday as we were finishing up packing at my in laws and I ate my mother in laws stellar tuna sandwich, I didn't feel so good. And by the time we got to my Mom's that night, I was done for. I skipped dinner, laid on the couch, and ended up crawling into bed around 8. By 9...I was sick to my stomach. I was up all night with the worst stomach virus I have had in years if not ever. And yep...I was getting up at 430 am to make the 8 hour drive to Raleigh. UGH. So 430 came around and I felt awful. I was still sick and got even sicker right before we left.

And then...a miracle. I was fine. My Mom drove the first 4 hours and I hung out in the back with Liam and by the time we stopped in Virginia, I had a sandwich and a Sprite and drove myself, Liam and my brother the rest of the way home. By this time, Liam and I were both on the mend and had no sickness...thank God! A miracle is all I can say. We had a lot of help from Justin's awesome co-workers, who by the way I was so embarrassed to meet as I was not feeling good and had driven all day! Anyways. That night, my brother got sick. He ended up staying with us an extra day while everyone else left yesterday at noon, desperate to escape the sick ward :)

Our first full day in NC was good until last night...Justin got sick. OY VEY. I was now taking care of my child who was so confused about where he was and was still trying to catch up on sleep, and two grown men who were sick as dogs. In a new town. Where I know no one. And know where nothing is. But thankfully, both started feeling better a mere 12/24 hours after they got sick and we were able to put my brother on a plane tonight so head back to Lexington. Justin is sleeping it off, he had an earlier bedtime then Liam tonight!

So I feel like right now is the first time I have had in the last few days to wrap my head around what's going on and where I am. I am thankful for Panera and free wi-fi so I can come at the end of the day, listen to my ipod and just think about this new journey. I am in such a different phase of life then I was when I moved to Louisville. I am praying that friends come quickly.  And a good babysitter. Mommy and Daddy need a date night :)


Unknown said...

wow--what an intense few days! I hope that you are all feeling 100% soon and adapt well to your new home!

Brooke said...

Love your picture on the header!!! Hey click on the link on the bottom of the blog post I did, and it will send you to a form to fill out. THe guy will contact you and then you will go from there. He will tell you what to blog!! Hope you get it!!!!! I saved 112.00 according to shutterfly!!